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Fun things to do in the lighter evenings

Save money this spring with help from Loans 2 Go…

In the early hours of Sunday 29th March it’s time to spring forward. Yes, it’s time for that twice-yearly ritual of going round changing all the clocks (apart from computers and phones). And no, it’s not just you that can never remember how to change the central heating or oven clocks!

But putting the clocks forward means that we will have daylight for an hour longer in the evenings. So, if at the moment it gets dark at around 7:00pm, after the end of March it will be around 8:00pm.

The lighter evenings open up a world of opportunities. There are so many more things to do with just that extra hour of light: and as spring progresses there will be even more time to play with, as sunsets get later and later.

So what can you do with this extra time? 

Here are five suggestions for fun things to do for you and the family. None of them cost anything, so they will help you save money. Also, at the time of writing we are mindful of the fact that some readers may be self-isolating, so have kept to activities that can take place in your own home and garden.


  • Exercise hour

There is a lot of exercise that you can do in and around your own home. Even something as simple as walking round the garden can be turned into a fun activity by seeing who can cover a set distance in the fastest time. It really doesn’t matter if you have a very small garden – it just means walking across the same bit lots of times! Or, along the same lines, why not finally get round to starting the Couch25K running programme?

If you have younger children then another option is to make mini circuits with activities such as skipping, throwing/catching, hoopla and obstacles. Or see if you can get hold of some glow-in-the-dark balls and sticks to create bowling alleys and adventure golf courses.


  • Treasure hunt

Plan a treasure hunt using clues leading to different places in the home and garden. Each place can either contain just the next clue or also an item of treasure to collect. If you like the idea of geocaching then instead of written clues you could provide coordinates for each item of treasure that link to a pre-prepared map of your garden.


  • Stargazing

Why not get your family into stargazing? If you know nothing about astronomy, then now could be a good time to start. The first thing to do is to familiarise yourself with the constellations either by looking for a star chart online or by using an app. You can then start identifying some of them just using the naked eye, and others using binoculars. 

If you and the family become really interested in this then the next step may be to think about getting a telescope, but it is not an essential piece of equipment to get started.


  • Dinner al fresco

It’s always fun to have a picnic dinner, even if it’s not as warm as you would wish. Coats and blankets will help to bridge the gap between dreams and reality! But it’s a great way of getting the family together and having some fun. Be brave and you will soon prove that al fresco dining is not just for summer.

You might even want to consider using the barbecue, as long as it won’t annoy the neighbours. There will certainly be no issues with sunburn or wasps to worry about! 


  • Story time

You may not be able to camp outside overnight, but you can recreate the atmosphere by pitching a tent, perhaps lighting the chiminea, snuggling together in blankets or duvets and telling stories. Or, if you run out of inspiration then bring out the iPad or laptop and watch a family movie before bedtime. 

And once the kids have gone to bed then why not snuggle up in the tent with a glass of something nice, and start looking forward to summer.


Enjoy the longer, lighter evenings. Make the most of every minute.

Check back here soon for more lifestyle and money saving tips from Loans 2 Go.