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Love your garden: Summer Gardening Tips

Sort out your garden this summer with an online loan  from Loans 2 Go.

Summer is well and truly here and the race is on!   No, not the one to get the so-called perfect beach body- probably too late for most of us anyway!   But we’re talking about “garden wars”.

Every weekend it happens.  You’re awoken at some unearthly hour by an equally unearthly sound.   A spaceship floating overhead maybe, or perhaps a driverless car patrolling your street?   Relax: it’s only someone with a lawnmower or strimmer or some other weapon of garden destruction.

Much as we love our gardens they are hard work.  We may just want to sit back and enjoy them but if we don’t put in the effort to maintain them we will soon be overgrown.

However, sometimes it seems that the more you do the more you have to do!  You may spend a busy weekend weeding and mowing the grass – and a week or so later it all seems to have grown back again!  Would it not be better to leave it to its own devices?

To help with your decision-making we’ve put together some simple summer gardening tips that will help you to keep your garden in tip top condition this summer and still leave you time to enjoy it!

  1. Grassed up?!
    So how often do you need to cut grass?  Experts recommend up to twice a week to keep your lawn looking really good.  Little and often is best here:  if you cut it too short when the weather is hot this can cause damage.   If you like neat edging then use a strimmer or edging iron to keep lawn edges neat and tidy.   
  2. Cut back
    Summer is a good time to do some drastic pruning.  This will not only make your garden look immediately much better but will also be good preparation for the autumn.  Be bold!  Deadhead your flowers, cut back old leaves from spring bulbs, and get rid of anything else that is either dead or diseased.
  3. Water well
    Don’t forget to water your garden: it does need it and will look much better for it.  It’s best to water in the morning when it’s cool.  Also be mindful of not wasting water.   It’s better to water less often but ensure that your water goes in deeper, rather than a quick sprinkle everyday.  Lawns need at least one inch of water per week, and more when the heat is severe.
  4. Little weeds
    For many of us, weeding is the worst job in the world.   Sometimes there is the satisfaction of weeds coming up in your hand straightaway, but some are more persistent.  In this case, the best time to get them out is after the rain.  So don’t let a rainy night put you off gardening the next morning: get out and weed!
  5. The birds and the bees
    To bring life to your garden and also help keep insects at bay, ensure that your garden is bird-friendly.  As well as providing bird feeders and plentiful watering holes, you can make your garden more appealing to birds by growing bright, nectar-rich plants.  These plants also attract bees so you will be doing your bit for conservation too!
  6. Keep notes
    It can seem an extra chore but it is really worth keeping notes on your garden maintenance as this can save lots of time later.  Keep track of when you are mowing and weeding, and how long the effects seem to last for.  This will gradually help you get into the best routine for your garden.  You can also jot down where there are gaps or overgrowths in different seasons so you can plan how to change your garden to how you want it to be.

Happy gardening this summer!   We hope that the above tips are useful and will soon help to get your garden in shape and keep it there.

If your garden needs more detailed attention and you need some extra funds either to purchase garden items or get someone in to give it a complete overhaul then why not consider taking out a small loan to tide you over?  With an online loan from Loans2Go you can apply in the comfort of your own home and get the money in your account the very same day – and get that garden sorted once and for all!