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How to make Back to School as easy as ABC!

How on earth can it be Back to School time already?!

On the one hand it’s the time of year we all dread: the end of summer and the unwelcome return to the daily routine. On the other hand it can be an exciting time, a fresh new start in many ways.

To ensure that it is a positive experience there are things you can do to make the whole Back to School process just that little bit easier. Try our Top Five Tips which should help:


  • Time for a clear out

If you’re currently in the mindset of “summertime and the living is easy”, chances are that your home reflects that as well. When everyone is at home and there is no set routine to the day it doesn’t really matter. But Back to School will change all that. So as the kids go back to school take the opportunity to have a good clear up. If you have accumulated lots of stuff that you don’t need then now is the time to get rid of it. You could either pass things onto another family – someone you know or via online sharing websites such as Freecycle – or take them to a charity shop. Another option is to sell things, either online (eg eBay) or by doing a car boot sale. It is amazing how much extra cash you can make by putting a little time and effort into selling unwanted goods – and you declutter your home at the same time!


  • Bring back bedtime

It is a good idea to start adjusting bed time a few days before school starts. It’s great for kids to be able to stay up late at night and sleep late in the daytime but this obviously doesn’t work with school hours. So rather than face a short sharp shock when they go back to school, start gradually adjusting timings a few days before so that everyone is ready to get up willingly when it comes to school time. Just think of it as an equivalent process to getting over jet lag! Also start cutting down screen time, particularly in the hour or two before bed.


  • Make mealtimes matter

During school holidays, mealtimes are usually very relaxed and the family just eats when it fits in with whatever else is happening. There also tend to be lots of snacks and treats during the day times. This is all good fun – and part of being on holiday – but needs to change now that school is here again. So start getting back into regular mealtime routines again; routines that will fit with the timing of the school day. Plan some delicious healthy meals to ensure that the kids are well nourished and have the energy to make a flying start to the new school year.


  • Brain training

It is always hard going back to work after a holiday, and probably even worse for children going back to school. After weeks of relaxation, they are suddenly being asked to think and concentrate, and it can be really tiring for them to get their brains back into gear again. So it’s a good idea to encourage them to start doing some gentle academic activities in order to prepare for the new school year. If they have been asked to bring school books home to read over summer, or have been given any kind of summer project to do, now is the time to do a bit of that every day. If not, then encourage them to read books for pleasure and also to do a favourite puzzle every day: things like Sudoku or codewords are ideal.


  • Get organised

We can all feel a bit swamped at the start of the school year but being determined to get organised really makes a difference. Ensure that you have everything needed for the start of term – uniform, shoes, PE kit, stationery etc. Then get into the habit of laying out everything the night before that will be needed the next day. It does take a bit of effort and discipline to get into this routine but is well worth it as it saves time and stress the next morning. Also plan with your child what the weekly and daily evening routine is going to be. Are there clubs and activities that they are going to do, and where does homework fit into this? You need to agree where and when they will do their homework, whether they are allowed music or their phone when they are doing it – and how much screen time they are allowed each school day. It is good to get this all agreed up front rather than having a daily battle on your hands.

We hope that the above tips help you to manage Back to School with a smile on your face!

If you need any financial help with Back to School or your plans for the autumn then remember that Loans 2 Go has a range of unsecured loans that may be just what you are looking for. Click here for more details about our loans and for information on how to apply.