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Top Ten Tips to save money on holiday

At last the time has come and you are about to head off on your long-awaited holiday. However long ago you booked, it’s something that you have really been looking forward to and you are going to enjoy every minute!

But even though the holiday itself is now paid for, you might be wondering how much spending money you are going to need. If you’re not careful you can end up spending way too much on holiday and come back with a lot of debt to sort out. But you don’t want to waste time on your holiday worrying about money: so here’s where a bit of advance planning can make all the difference.

Follow our Top Ten Tips for money saving on holiday and you should be able to have a great time and still come back with money to spare!

  1. Don’t over-shop before you go
    We’ve all done it! You’ve been so careful about saving money for your holiday and cutting back on treats, evenings out and so on. Then at the last minute you blow a lot of that money on stuff you don’t really need. For example, purchasing a completely new set of toiletries and cosmetics can cost a small fortune! Why not just take whatever you have in your bathroom right now? Rather than cramming your case with full bottles of everything – then bringing most of it back home afterwards – you can finish those bottles out there and leave more space in your case for all those souvenirs!
  2. Don’t take too much luggage
    On a similar theme, we all tend to take far too much luggage on holiday. Particularly clothes. It’s a really good idea when you come back from a holiday to make a list of what you actually wore. You will probably find it’s around half of what you took. So this time why not be brave and pack a much smaller amount. It will save packing time and be much easier to carry – and you won’t run the risk of having to pay extra money for excess baggage. And if you do realise when you get there that you absolutely need more clothes, then you have room in your case to take home some lovely local things.
  3. Get the best deal on changing money
    It is usually better to change currency before you go, rather than at the airport or while you’re there. But shop around for the best deal: for example look at large supermarkets as well as banks, travel agents and the Post Office. If you plan to use a credit or debit card on holiday, check with your card provider before you go that there will not be any charges for using it abroad. Also be wary of using a credit card to purchase holiday money, as there can often be additional charges for this as well.
  4. Check your phone
    Most of us are completely addicted to our phones but check with your provider before you go about what rates you will be charged when you are abroad. Costs of data can be particularly high, so if you plan to use data when you are away you need to plan in advance the cheapest way of doing this. Some providers offer travel bundles that can help to keep costs down; and most resorts have WiFi available that you can use instead (though check if they are going to charge you for this). A little bit of advance planning here can save you pounds.
  5. Find free home sitters
    If you have animals at home then why not consider a homesitter rather than kennels or catteries. This also means that someone is keeping an eye on your home so can reduce the hassle and stress of trying to sort a lot of domestic stuff out before you go away. Professional home sitters can be expensive but is there someone that you could ask to homesit as a mutual favour? It may be a friend’s son or daughter who would love a bit of independence for a couple of weeks; or perhaps family or friends from another part of the country who could use your home as a base for their own holiday.
  6. Don’t park at the airport
    Airport parking is usually expensive and can all be a bit of a hassle. The best thing to do is to find someone you know to give you a lift to the airport, then you do the same for them when it’s their turn to go away. If that isn’t possible for any reason then look into public transport options – depending on the amount of luggage you have – or a local taxi or chauffeur service (which won’t be cheap but will almost always be cheaper than airport parking).
  7. Book an airport lounge
    This immediately sounds expensive but can often work out to be really good value. Once you have paid the cost of admission to the lounge, you will then be able to relax and enjoy yourself, rather than hanging around the airport terminal for ages. You will also be entitled to free snacks and drinks, television and internet access, and comfortable seats. All for probably much less money that you would fritter away in the terminal itself. Definitely worth investigating.
  8. Make the best of your hotel food package
    If you are on an all-inclusive rate then you know that everything is paid for upfront, apart from tips, so it is easy to budget from that point on. If you are on a bed and breakfast or half board basis, then enjoy everything you are entitled to but be careful not to overspend on food the rest of the time. It is often cheaper to eat out at lunchtime if you can find cafes with set menus, so if hunger strikes and you are between hotel meals then be savvy and find a good deal rather than tumbling into the nearest tourist trap!
  9. Get off the beaten track
    Whether eating or drinking or shopping, always try and get away from the tourist areas. Be experimental and walk away from the seafront or main square: you will often find a much better atmosphere, better quality food – and certainly lower prices if you are prepared to get off the beaten track. It’s a good sign if a restaurant is full of locals. Also check out what they are drinking, because local wines and beers will not only be much cheaper than imports, but they will be more representative of the area and probably taste much better in that environment.
  10. Be prepared to haggle
    Last but not least, never be afraid to haggle. You should certainly steer away from the overtly tourist shops anyway, but in any shop if there is something you really want it is always worth making a reasonable offer instead of immediately paying full price. Always be polite and friendly, and just see how it goes. The worst that can happen is that they refuse, in which case you can choose to either pay the original price or walk away. Either way you’ve nothing to lose, and perhaps a real bargain to gain.

We hope that you have a wonderful holiday and that these money saving tips help you to keep to your budget. For financial help and more money saving ideas remember that Loans2Go are always here to help.