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How to Celebrate Father’s Day on a Budget

Money saving ideas for Father’s Day from Loans 2 Go…

Father’s day is fast approaching – Sunday June 16th to be precise. This year wouldn’t it be nice to do something different?

What you do for your special day depends on the age range of those involved and also to some extent on how much money you are able to spend. If you do have some money available then some of the following ideas may work:

  • Families with babies and toddlers – how about a visit to a zoo or aquarium, or a park or pub with a soft play area.
  • Families with young children – a water park or theme park always works well. Check out Diggerland or Gulliver for something a bit different.
  • Families with older children and teenagers – something more active such as Escape rooms, geocaching, Go Ape or ten pin bowling.
  • Families of adults only – any of the above without the kids to spoil things! Or how about a day at a National Trust site or perhaps sightseeing in your nearest city.

If you are on a tighter budget you may feel that you do not have as much choice. But there are plenty of days out – parks, walks in the country, picnics on the beach – that do not cost much if anything.

There are also many other money saving ideas that you could try to make Dad’s day whilst not breaking the bank. Here are five of the best:


Surprise family get-together

Dads just love having all the family together so why not make it happen? Round up as many family members – and maybe also close family friends – as you can, and arrange a big get-together. Whether it’s in a home or a pub or the great outdoors doesn’t matter: the most important thing is that you are all together as a family.


Special Sunday lunch

Leading on from the above, you don’t need to book a pub or restaurant and spend a small fortune to make everyone happy. So why not host lunch at your place? If you do have siblings then they can chip in too. Just make sure that Dad has a meal to remember and has to do absolutely nothing to help. If the weather is good you could even do a BBQ – but do keep him away from it!


Go fishing

It may seem a bit corny but why not organise a fishing trip with Dad? This doesn’t have to be on the day itself – you could give him a card and the date of your trip. It doesn’t need to be expensive: you could even just do a day if you want to. But even better if you can make a weekend of it and stay in a pub or B&B to get some real quality time together. And if fishing is really not his thing then think of something else that he would like to do instead.


Movie time

There’s nothing better than settling down to a good movie with the family. A good time can be had by all with very little money being spent. Dig out the old family favourites that you know Dad loves, crack open a few beers and serve some snacks and you will have a great time. A variation on this is to watch some family movies so why not gather together a selection from special family events and relive those memories together.


Pledge your time

Many Dads are practical people and there may be some project that he’s itching to get started but needs a little help. Whether it’s something to improve the home or garden, doing work on his car or bike, or a long-held dream of kitting out the attic for a train set – make this the year when he finally gets it done with your help. Set aside some dates when you can commit to helping him do this and give that time to him as his Father’s Day gift. It could be the best gift you’ve ever given him: the gift that keeps on giving.


Whatever you decide to do this Father’s Day, all of us at Loans 2 Go wish you a wonderful day. Check back here soon for more money saving and lifestyle tips from Loans 2 Go.